
Meh. *long-ish* (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 12:00 (3411 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

If you stop at the Deathsinger, the whole encounter is fun and there are cool drops to be had.

If you decide to carry on to Crota...I don't know. I flushed about 20,000 glimmer down the toilet in the form of heavy ammo synths. After flying through the first part of the raid in an hour and a half, I ran face first into a Crota shaped wall and proceeded to smash my head against that wall for about 15 hours over the course of a week, making absolutely no progress. After putting in another four hours on Monday in a last-ditch effort to score the win before the reset, our team gave up a little after midnight.

Putting in so much time, effort, and resources and still falling short is pretty damned depressing. I tried to go to bed and put the whole experience behind me, but I couldn't sleep. I had to get up and give it another go.

I jumped into a group of fellow raid n00bs from Destiny LFG, showed them the method that had almost worked a dozen or more times for our earlier group, and 45 minutes later, I had a new shader and a new toy (but still no raid helmet).

The shader looks awful on Titans (but is pretty cool on Hunters), but the scout rifle is pretty sweet. If nothing else, being able to basically put a flare on the Swordbearer's head with the Target Mark perk will be pretty useful. No more playing hide and seek for that jerk.

But was it worth the headache? I really don't know. The most telling part was probably that, for seemingly everyone in the group, instead of a feeling of accomplishment, it was a feeling of "Thank God that's over with!" and most vowed never to do it again (though, you can see how that worked out for me.)

tl;dr If you stop at the deathsinger, it's absolutely worth it. If you decide to carry on, prepare to start wishing Bungie had included an "assume the fetal position" emote*.


*Credit to someone from the raid group, I think either INSANEdrive or ChrisTheeCrappy, for that wonderful image :)

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