
Disagree (DBO)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Saturday, February 07, 2015, 12:58 (3376 days ago) @ Speedracer513

I very stupidly popped my Bladedancer super when I was already half dead - not once, but twice - and both times I was deservedly assassinated before even getting a single swing in.

I do this ALL the time. I LOVE bladedancing when it works, but when it fizzles before it starts? It feels like the worst super ever.

If a defender titan is almost dead, punch someone quick and you get shields or throw down a bubble. A striker? Hulk smash them, and then a shoulder charge a rocket just for the giggles. Sunsinger? Punch someone for health or sunsing for resistance. Voidwalker? Using your super will clear the room while making you invulnerable to rockets. Gunslingers are in a similar boat as the bladedancer. Hunters just can't use their super as a get out of jail free card. You have to be more tactical with it.

In other words, you are right. It comes down to user-error, but it feels so lame when everyone else can pop supers at times you cant. :(

You're absolutely right -- Hunter supers are not "get out of jail free" cards like the other classes'. People that hate on hunters just can't handle the skill and precision it takes to play one. Our skill tree perks are geared towards rewarding true aim and precise attacks.

The other thing that's different about Hunter supers - you get punished for popping it at the wrong time. If a Warlock or Titan hits the bumpers to go into their super animation and then die before it finishes "going off", they have their super charge back when they respawn. If a hunter pops his super it doesn't matter if he dies mid-animation of the golden gun/arc blade enacting - his super charge is reset to zero.

Only truly smart and talented people can play hunters well.

If any Hunter gets fewer than three kills with their super, that player is incompetent. Other classes require specific circumstances to deal anything close to the amount a damage a hunter super can do. Hunters can just run around the map tearing the opposing team up.

Hunters also gain significant damage resistance while their super is active, and blade-dancers have perks to REGEN health with every kill they make on top of that. With Striker Titans and warlocks, Players must chose to utilize specific perks or exotic armour to gain similar benefits, at the expense of other perks.

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