Destiny and the Xbox 720

by Hypertrooper, Germany, Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 11:16 (4181 days ago) @ bluerunner

I have met a lot of friends with Halo and the Xbox 360 in general. Yes. I would buy the new Xbox together with the Destiny version but I would buy the Xbox 360 version of Destiny to play with friends who are still playing on the 360.

At the end Destiny is the biggest reason to buy a next gen console. I have a special affection with Xbox. I like my GamerScore(It is kind of addicting. At least it was when I had started playing with my Xbox 360. Now it is just a gimmick but I won't get rid of the useless number). I mentioned I had met a lot of friends through Xbox Live. Furthermore I like Halo 4 and the direction 343i is heading with Halo in SP and Coop, so the new Xbox is a must buy for Halo.
At the end if the rumors about the new Xbox are true, It will be a difficult decision. I hope it is not the case because it will give the purchase a bittersweet taste.

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