
Destiny Awaits - a Fan Fiction

by TTL Demag0gue ⌂ @, Within the shadow of the Traveler, Saturday, March 30, 2013, 04:15 (4310 days ago) @ Mix
edited by TTL Demag0gue, Saturday, March 30, 2013, 04:55


Okay, I threw this together from other scraps I'd been working on lately and I wanted to see what people thought. Read it, don't read it, either way construction criticism is appreciated.

Not a bad start! It needs a little polish -- in particular, there are a handful of places where you switch from past to present tense and back again, and some places that could be rephrased to smooth out the flow -- but it's definitely an interesting beginning and leaves the door open for future expansion. And I'd certainly be happy to provide a more detailed critique, if that's something you'd be interested in.

This is part one of something that I would love to move forward is, I guess that'll be based on the general consensus or what ever I decide ;)

As a writer, in my opinion, the first audience you should be writing for is yourself. Write things that you would enjoy reading yourself. If other people like it, too, then that's icing on the cake, so to speak -- but don't let other people's opinions prevent you from creating. There will always be people who hate what you do and will tear you down and try to prevent you from writing. Ignore them, and keep writing anyway. I've seen more than a few talented people stop doing the things they love because they let other people stop them.

Sorry about the mini-rant. As you can tell, this is kind of an important point for me. :)

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