Night Vale is... (Off-Topic)

by Dagoonite, Somewhere in Iowa, lost in a cornfield., Saturday, April 18, 2015, 12:18 (3312 days ago) @ ZackDark

...strange, and hard to describe. It's like, X-Files meets Cthulhu meets a comedy radio show. It switches from creepy to silly to heartwarming in the span of a single sentence. It's a wonderful, beautiful, terrifying thing that nobody can describe in a way that explains it properly.

My only advice is to listen to it. It has quite a few monologues that are vaguely reminiscent of what I wrote, things that start out bland and normal and quickly veers off into the realm of insanity. You get a strong feel for the cast of characters, even before they appear in the show properly. There's a strong continuity and character growth, too, and everybody from the main dude to the dude who is literally a five-headed dragon are so interesting. Heck, even the cat that hovers four feet off the ground in a fixed position in the men's bathroom is interesting, especially when it molts and shows off its lovely poison spines.

Except Steve Carlsberg. That guy's just horrible. Just... just horrible. Everything about him is terrible. You're better off if you never find out about him. Really. I mean, he never changes the hubcaps on his tan Toyota Corolla. It's laziness, pure and simple.

I'll stop fanboying now. Honest.

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