
Exotic Weapon Idea-ish (Destiny)

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 13:57 (3345 days ago)

So I had a thought for something that might be interesting, though I'm going to put it in very simple terms instead of the specific and elaborate ones favored by all you guys what know what you're talking about:

An Assault Rifle (Or Machine Gun, just rename the Archetypes as is appropriate) with the Fire Rate of the Sahara archetype, but an Impact like the Hard Light/Monte Carlo archetype. To make up for that combo, a very small magazine, poor Range, and awful Stability. The Exotic perk would be simply that it deals extra precision damage.

So kinda like if the Necrochasm and Super Good Advice had a kid.

It'd be a veritable laser, if you could manage to control it. Probably it'd really only be useful in PvP, though. Hm. Maybe as an Assault Rifle that works as a Special, it would work better?

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