On specialty builds (Destiny)

by Monochron, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 11:28 (3445 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

I just recently bought a set of Warlock armor for Hand Cannons to mess around in Crucible with The Last Word with; those probably won't see upgrades unless I actually have enough to boost every weapon in my armory. Hm. Though now I'm thinking I should swap my Hand Cannon using-character to my Titan... Oops.

I never really got into creating special builds for special purposes because the investment involved is just so high. Without running alts every week I would never be able to level everything up in a reasonable amount of time. I only just hit 32 two weeks ago or so.
While I like to have to work to level up, I kind of wish this activity had a lower barrier to entry.

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