
So... about the Necrochasm. (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Friday, April 24, 2015, 11:17 (3444 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

It's been a pretty amazing night and morning for me, Destiny wise. This morning I got Lucky Rasberry from an exotic engram, meaning I now have every piece of exotic armor in the game. And last night, we had a great run through Crota on hard mode. I managed to snag the Crux of Crota as a drop (despite Speedracer's cries of anguish ;p). I dropped it into my fully upgraded Eidolon Ally, and BAM... I now have the most useless gun in the game XD (which also happens to complete my collection of exotic weapons).

Seriously, I knew it wasn't going to be good. We've all seen the videos and read the reviews. But I had no idea just how bad this thing really is. We're talking "it takes almost an entire clip to kill a level 5 Dreg" bad. I believe it was Slycrel who summed it up perfectly a while back: "It's impossible to hit anything, but at least when you actually do hit something it does no damage".

Bungie has said that the Necrochasm is working as intended, which makes me ask "why?". Why would they intentionally create an exotic weapon that takes so many steps to attain, yet is literally useless. I don't think I'm exaggerating here... you're better off using a rare-level auto rifle.

All that aside, I'm on cloud 9 right now. My exotic collection is complete! All exotic weapons are fully upgraded 331 versions, all armor is max level (with a couple upgrades left to do).

They we're fairly quick to patch Juju and Thorn, which makes me think that perhaps guns like No Land Beyond and Necrochasm aren't crap, the community just hasn't figured out their optimal use yet.

I'm thinking something niche like, a specific use or encounter type where it excels. It hasn't been patched because it hasn't needed it, etc.

Dunno. Maybe. I hope. Otherwise it's just kinda sad.

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