
Xur's junk: Veil, Radar, Skullfort, Truth, glove engram. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Friday, May 15, 2015, 07:53 (3329 days ago)
edited by Funkmon, Friday, May 15, 2015, 07:59

Funkmon's opinion:

Apotheosis Veil:

Meh. Buy it if you have the coins and don't have it already.

Knucklehead radar:

I use this one a lot on my hunter. It's a great set it and forget it exotic where you get extra super energy for minion killing, plus radar. Good for PVP and PVE. Buy it for sure.

Insurmountable Skullfort:

Decent. Kind of a weird helmet without much going on, but has niche uses. Buy it if you have spare coins. The roll's terrible if you care. (I don't.)


100% buy if you have trouble with rockets in PVP. Even though it will kill you constantly in PVE due to proximity detonation and it does almost no damage, it tracks more aggressively than other rockets for PVP. A godsend for those rocket kills if you have a decent non exotic primary.


Most of the gloves in the game suck except for DTM and Ruin Wings. If you're hoping for one of those, buy the engram. If not, don't waste the motes.

BTW: He has the red sparrow upgrade.

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