Xur's junk: Veil, Radar, Skullfort, Truth, glove engram. (Destiny)

by Jironimo ⌂, Friday, May 15, 2015, 12:13 (3320 days ago) @ Funkmon


Even though it will kill you constantly in PVE due to proximity detonation and it does almost no damage

You guys are kidding me right? It has maxed damage, yes it won't do the same AOE damage because it lacks the cluster bombs or wolfpack rounds, but the initial impact is stronger than Gjallarhorn or any other rocket with cluster bombs. If you need to take out something quickly with a single shot there's no better option. I find it's actually better against Crota because the rocket gets there quicker and the initial explosion takes him down quicker without waiting for the wolfpack rounds of Gjallarhorn which are normally "immune" by the time they actually hit.

Don't pass this up, 2nd best RL in the game.

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