
Queen's Bounties - VoG Group Tonight (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Friday, May 15, 2015, 14:28 (3320 days ago) @ Cody Miller

So. Apparently they take you to a place, you kill waves of enemies, then a hidden chest spawns. So I hear.

Do the Vog Raiders tonight want to do this instead of running Vog? (P.S. This is when you get the scorch canon in the Templar's Well.).

Where are you getting all this info? It doesn't seem to jive with what I've been watching on Twitch for the past hour or so.

Petra Venj is back in the tower and has three quest bounties you can grab (with three more to be unlocked over the next three days. But the three quests available send you to (1) the Forgotten Shores, (2) the Citadel, and (3) the Skywatch. Nothing about the templar's well.

So, while I'm not saying what you said is inaccurate, I'm wondering where you're getting this since (as usual) you seem to be stating things as fact without even a hint of a source.

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