
Questions (Destiny)

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Saturday, May 16, 2015, 07:21 (3319 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

How much rep? Is this something that you think you'd do everyday? Or too difficult without a large group?

I ran all the bounties maybe 6-7 times with group, and 6-7 times solo. It's a fun challenge either way, but with a group it's a lot easier to find the chest afterwords.

I'd be tempted to run these bounties every day. But they are more of a time investment if for no other reason then you have to wait for the public events to happen.

There's usually about 4 or 5 waves of enemies, starting with level 28 minors and working up to level 30 majors.

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