I'm loving the random chaos in patrol. A story and request (Destiny)

by Earendil, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 16:40 (3313 days ago)

Just yesterday I was looking to frenzy up some wolves in the Skywatch. Destiny isn't putting anyone else in my area, but I'm just dinking around so it's okay. This makes me a little sad and lonely, but without help wolves are only a challenge, not impossible.

Besides, I've been in the sky watch with 2-4 other gaudiness when the Enemy Has Moved Against Each Other and the wolves have landed. That is chaotic, and hot plasma and laser lights fill the air. But that sort of chaos is usually manageable because you can escape it, and you aren't the primary target. You also have a fair bit of room.

Back in my solo patrol, I've frenzied up some wolves and I've cleared maybe two waves, when suddenly a Warsat is announced. Pish. I'm a Guardian!


I'm not positive I can complete both events, but I don't see a problem yet.


Suddenly a word starts growing louder out of my mouth "ffffFFFFUUUUUU" and my back hits a-hard-place right as a-rock hits my chest.

It's cool, stay calm, Rocket launchers are my friend. Surely, any second now a fellow Guardian will stumble across my plight and I will be saved! Hey, even a few friends logged on in the last 30 seconds, maybe they will jump on in without prompting. I have Wolves and a public event, Destiny can't make this harder for me... Sure enough, I got more company... "Fall before Uzok, The Hated". I didn't even have time to swear before he cleaved my back.


The next 90 seconds was me playing keep away around the warsat with Uzok, while trying to take out as many wizards as I could with rockets, and summoning my warlock's inner mike-tyson for the rest. Keeping guns reloaded was rough, and finally in what looks like a noob maneuver but felt more like a scene where the protagonist runs out of bullets and starts throwing rocks, I die.


Destiny surely picked that exact moment to kill me, just so that I could make that last race up the mountain to claim some prize for my efforts. The Wolves had retreated about 5 seconds before my death.


While I do enjoy getting psyched up to go into hard battle, I find myself prepared for those moments, physically* and mentally. They are fun, but it's expected, it's known. It's really exciting (at least for me) when destiny throws stuff like this at me. I would have actually been just fine failing. In most games, winning is the expectation. Sometimes there is a guided defeat, but it's part of a story so it's "okay". Patrol in Destiny is the perfect place to have expected losses (that are perhaps winnable). And I think for a game like Destiny it would set the tone better. After all, there I was doing a simple patrol mission, when suddenly all hell broke loose. I honestly didn't know if I was going to make it.

Bungie, please give me more of this, and make it more desperate. I want events to drop that make me look around the map, and question whether I should run away. But if I see 3 other guardians on patrol, I'll know I could stand my ground and maybe survive.

*by this I mean my beer is safe and the cat isn't on my lap


I'm loving the random chaos in patrol. A story and request

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 16:59 (3313 days ago) @ Earendil

I had the same experience and thought last week.

I too, am a fan of high risk\reward and being challenged, where failure is not only an option, but it means something too.

Destiny (and a lot of games for that matter) is at it's best when there are moments like these.

If everything is a cakewalk and participation trophies, why should I try? ;)


Have you ever been in a cakewalk? YOU GET A CAKE.

by Funkmon @, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 17:04 (3313 days ago) @ Revenant1988

(Not really)

Anyway, I like easy stuff when the mechanics are fun. If it's fun to do a stupid dance, then do it. Things being too hard turn me off. I'm afraid this stuff might turn off low level dudes.

YOU GET A CAKE. Sometimes

by Warbow, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 17:08 (3313 days ago) @ Funkmon


:(. I never have gotten one. RNGesus hates me irl too.

by Funkmon @, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 17:20 (3313 days ago) @ Warbow

- No text -


If the cryptarc offers you cake, do not eat it.

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 17:30 (3313 days ago) @ Funkmon

- No text -


"Definitely not made of cake."

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Friday, May 22, 2015, 00:16 (3313 days ago) @ Revenant1988

- No text -

Have you ever been in a cakewalk? YOU GET A CAKE.

by Earendil, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 18:24 (3313 days ago) @ Funkmon

(Not really)

Anyway, I like easy stuff when the mechanics are fun. If it's fun to do a stupid dance, then do it. Things being too hard turn me off. I'm afraid this stuff might turn off low level dudes.

I understand that, and I figure there are more people like you than like me, otherwise Destiny would have this :)

I also realize that part of the reason this is fun/exciting is because it's unexpected. If I knew that every 10th event would be a killer event that pushed me out of that area, perhaps it would become more annoying. But I did have fun, and what happened is the kind of thing that couldn't happen when Destiny was launched, but now can happen in certain areas under certain circumstances. It makes me want to hang out in Skywatch all the more. But that's part of the thing, I will only go to sky watch on patrol because it's an interesting patrol. I know there is no danger in other areas because nothing is of any threat to a loan guardian.

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