
I silver'd a public event for the first time in a long time. (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Sunday, May 17, 2015, 15:17 (3317 days ago)

And I'm not even mad.

Took a break from Bloodborne to try out some of the Queen's bounties, and like many of you, it has led to some... interesting experiences.

-Be me.
-Be at ember caves in Venus.
-Waiting for wolves to drop so I can finish this last dang queen bounty.
-Wolves Drop. Two other players with me mop them up fast.
-MFW Surprisingly, they DON'T pick up scorch cannons right away
-Public event pops up on screen whilst fighting wolves.
-I need one more public event to complete my 3 gold public event bounties.
-Public event is defeat extraction crews.
-Psh. I solo that all the time easy. I got this.
-First extraction area goes quick.
-Second extraction area goes sloppy, I spam rockets erry where, keeping eye on wolves battle.
-Third and final extraction is in close proximity to the wolves battle.
-"Sweet" I think to myself, surely this will be a 2 birds 1 stone outcome.
-Problem. Enemies from patrol area have migrated towards my post.
-Taking fire on 3 sides, try to stay alive. All out of rockets, Ruin Wings defective.
-See on my screen that bounty for Wolves target achieved- I didn't shoot him, but proximity nets me the kill.
-Ether key warning pops up, 3rd one I've done, yet to get a chest. Really want the dang chest.
-Almost dead from patrol enemies at this point, back off, trying to kill public event enemies.
-Scramble to watch where teammates went, see if they found chest.
-One guy can't find it, one asshat who did doesn't share where it was.
-15 seconds left on chest timer.
-15 seconds left on extraction crew timer.
-Spot chest, other side of map.
-Hop on sparrow, fly to chest, open it with 3 seconds to spare.
-Spin around like Nart, try to pull off clutch headshots on last few enemies at extraction site
-Two headshots and two dead dregs at site.
-Me feelin pretty baller, thinking I pulled it off
-Timer goes off, no reward pops...
-Whh what?
-See a lone dreg pop out from fallen extractor-do hickey thing.
-::Dinkebot:: "IT'S OK, WE'LL GET THE NEXT ONE"
-Dreg mocks me, fades into background.
-Next time, indeed.

I failed, and I enjoyed it immensely. I was forced to make a choice, and tried to get both rewards, but failed. Had I managed my ammo better, I probably would have succeeded. Maybe If I had spotted the chest earlier, I would have had more time to finish the event. But I didn't, and it was great.

I know this will wear off, as I learn where the wolves drop every time, and the possible spots the chests spawn at. Then it will become routine again and the fun will fade, but in this one instance, I had to choose, and I very nearly lost BOTH rewards. If I didn't have that public event bounty, I would have just focused on the wolves, because one shard\energy from the event wouldn't be worth the shot at a fallen chest, normally.

More of this, Bungie.

Make it harder.

Fuck the crybabies.

Add greater risks to the encounters, make people want to do both.

Make it so they can't, on their own.

Split the fire team. "You keep the wolves busy while we take down that walker! Try to land a shot from afar if you can"

More of this. Make us make choices. Add the possibility of failure.

The possibility of failure almost always equals the certainty of fun.

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