Prison of Elders is not horde mode. It is merely similar. (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Friday, May 22, 2015, 01:21 (3563 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

I assumed that they were referring to the Trials of Osiris.

Same. Also, Bungie trying to hype things that may or may not exist is their job. And most all of the major final battles consist of you fighting a bigger bullet sponge version of a regular enemy, as it has been since the first boss fight in Destiny. Gotta agree with Cody on this thing falling flat as far as end-game content goes. Even with all of what I just said, I think I'm still fairly neutral to Prison of Elders. It's interesting to do, and I don't mind doing it, but I won't go out of my way to do it unless the people I'm playing with would like to.

As for Trials of Osiris, I can't wait to get that going. Not too thrilled at their plans regarding map variety, or the fact that it's sort of a weekend only thing, but I bet it'll be a blast.

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