
I played Crucible today... (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 04:05 (3555 days ago) @ stabbim
edited by General Vagueness, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 04:08

MIDA: In PvE, I've always maintained that MIDA is one of the best all-around primary weapons, but now I'm even more impressed with it. I wasn't necessarily expecting it to be great here - I mostly used it because it's what I'm familiar with. But at its optimal range, it's really a beast. I never came across anyone who I felt I couldn't out-shoot, at the right range. Not other scout rifles, or hand cannons/pulse rifles. I don't know if it's the knockback effect, the rate of fire, or the quick ADS time, but it felt dominant. Might be the movement speed, too - strafing faster surely helps? Speaking of which, I'd say there were 5-10 instances where I just BARELY escaped a bad situation with a sliver of health, and I know I wouldn't have escaped if not for the speed boost.

That's interesting, I wrote off that weapon because scout rifles have crummy impact and that one has less impact than all my current ones, which are themselves lower than the current Iron Banner scout rifle, and nothing about it looked better than usual except the reload time; I'll consider it more when the opportunity to get it comes up again.

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