
I played Crucible today... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 04:15 (3555 days ago) @ stabbim

A couple of recommendations to consider:

- Trade the Don't Touch Me gloves for Khepri's Sting, if you are able. These will let you select Hungering Blade (which restores your health on a successful Blink Strike or Arc Blade kill) while keeping your cloaking.

- Trade Escape Artist for Fast Twitch. This will both help you perform backstabs more easily and will help you activate Hungering Blade much more often since your Blink Strike will be charged virtually all the time. I've never really found cloaking while meleeing someone head on to be very effective. Normally I either get the kill because I attacked first or I lose because I hesitated and cloaking does nothing to help me when I'm a few inches away from my enemy. With Khepri's Sting and Fast Twitch, you win if you get a backstab and, in my opinion at least, don't lose much vs Don't Touch Me and Escape Artist.

Good job getting the Invective! It's still my favorite shotgun, even more so now that Special Ammo is in shorter supply. :)

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