What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
What is the DBO contingent hoping to learn or see from Bungie regarding Destiny at E3 this year? Any solid hunches? Pipe dream hopes? Gameplay? New trailer? More on the story, classes, or races? Spaceships (there better be info on mo&*^%&THer f@&^#ing spaceships. I LOVE SPACESHIPS)?
What is it that you want to see or know? What seems realistic to learn?

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Spaceships and all the unique locations in the Sol system we'll be able to explore, particularly any run-down famous locales on Earth. It should be a somber experience walking through the remains of a civilization more advanced than exists today that vanished from the minds of the Last City's inhabitants. Also, scores of hilarious Easter eggs littered through the ruins.
What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
What I'm looking forward to is a breakdown of gameplay.
Are we talking an MMO Borderlands (WoW-style combat-focused questing), or more of a Dungeons & Dragons Online/Neverwinter (Instanced Quest areas)?
I'm looking forward to seeing if you have to spec yourself before going out and then never change your loadout, getting ammo and other supplies in the field (maybe your gun uses "energy" you get from enemy drops), or if you change it up mid-game a-la Halo.
I'm interested to see if there's an inventory system, or if your upgrades are purely innate and selected during various points during the game.
I'm interested to see what that iPhone (and, one can assume, Android) app does. Conjecture Warning: It looks like some sort of slow-burn upgrade system, a "crafting" metaphor, like a mix between EVE Online's skills and Star Wars: The Old Republic's crew skills. Except related to story missions, allowing you to "play" while not playing and get a little bit of lore while feeling like your character or their resources are engaged. Somewhat akin to Mass Effect's iOS app, but more in-depth.
I'm interested in seeing how the different classes and races play off each others' abilities.
I'm interested in seeing what happens if a player dies. Is there a Guild Wars 2/Borderlands style self-resurrection? Is one character class (or all of them) able to resurrect others if enemies are taken out?
The long and short of it is that I feel I have a good handle on the world, and I'm invested. I just want to know what to do with that world now.

More concept art and non-specific praise from Bungie devs
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Nice answer!
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Well... we haven't honestly been told much! *NM*
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An encore performance
By these guys
I like a lot of what Oz Mills is hoping for. I would also like to see more of the locations we will be exploring and fighting through. More gameplay/in game video and less concept art. But with all that, I don't want to be shown too much. I am really looking forward to being thoroughly surprised at many points during my adventures in Destiny.

My wishes
Pipe dream wish: New trailer showing gameplay a la Halo 2 trailer (but of course more realistic in what we get in the end) such as a player accepting a mission in the Tower and then traveling out of the city, off the planet, and then beating the mission on say Mars. And then playable demo at PAX Prime.
Realistic wish: New video showing some gameplay and showing off a few of the main storyline points as well as seeing the different abilities of different classes. I would really like to see what separates the classes and of course I would love to see a few legendary weapons in action and at least one land vehicle.
I think personally at most we will see a 5-10 minute gamplay trailer showing a section of a mission, anything more than that would be locking them in too much I think.

I'd take nothing to anything... but I'm a patient man.
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What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
The one thing I want is for them to give me a genre label. Do not hem and haw with that 'shared world shooter' crap. Pin it down please.
MMO w/ FPS elements
FPS w/ MMO Elements
JRPG w/ FPS Elements
FPS w/ RPG Elements
Something. Anything. I just want to know what playing the game is going to be like.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
The one thing I want is for them to give me a genre label. Do not hem and haw with that 'shared world shooter' crap. Pin it down please.
MMO w/ FPS elements
FPS w/ MMO Elements
JRPG w/ FPS Elements
FPS w/ RPG ElementsSomething. Anything. I just want to know what playing the game is going to be like.
Bungie FPS. Enough said.
(Seriously, who gives a crap what arbitrary genre label retailers file it under? That game is what it is.
"Sorry, team. Amazon lists us under the FPS/RPG category so we need to cut these MMO elements.")

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Bungie FPS. Enough said.
Have you paid attention to nothing so far? We already know it is NOT A PURE FPS.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Bungie FPS. Enough said.
Have you paid attention to nothing so far? We already know it is NOT A PURE FPS.
Um, I'm pretty sure Duncan's on-board. And "Bungie FPS" is probably more accurate than it would seem at first glance. Despite what the rampant speculation that's been running amok the last few months would suggest, we've been given relatively few real details about Destiny.
I imagine Destiny will break many genre boundaries that we (and the gaming industry) are accustomed to, so slapping on a current genre label would probably be doing a disservice to both the game and the genre. Calling it a "Bungie FPS" tells us only that it's a shooter game that will be played from the first-person perspective and that Bungie is putting their magic into it. And honestly, that's probably 75% of what we know at this point, so it seems an accurate title for the time being.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
I'm hoping for some gameplay footage alongside some more exposition about the story and universe that we'll be encountering in Destiny. From a broader perspective, I certainly hope we'll get to see a little bit about how fireteam mechanics will work, and maybe even get some details about raids and/or multiplayer PvP.
Bungie's been priming us with concept artwork to get our heads in the right space. Oz Mills summed it up nicely:
The long and short of it is that I feel I have a good handle on the world, and I'm invested. I just want to know what to do with that world now.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
(Seriously, who gives a crap what arbitrary genre label retailers file it under? That game is what it is.
Agreed. Genres especially mean less nowadays. Both Call of Duty and Bioshock are both classified as FPS, but those games are barely similar.
Everything Beorn said.
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What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Something. Anything. I just want to know what playing the game is going to be like.
What if those labels don't do it justice, Cody?
What if the only way to know what playing the game is like is playing the game?
And what if Bungie doesn't want to give ammo to haters who will whine for months about a game they haven't played because they hate [insert most-hated acronym here]?
I'm not saying that's you. I'm just saying ...

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
I'm hoping an announcement of the launch date. And that the launch date is the same day they do the announcement.
Hey, a boy can dream!
What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
The cloth being yanked away. A full trailer that leaves so many more wows than questions, with gameplay and cinematics and main characters that we will see again. We see bad guys fighting back in real time, vehicle and squad use, along with space combat and exploration. This trailer ends with the screen: 'DESTINY Holiday 2013'
If we are really really lucky, a multiplayer demo with 1 or 2 maps playing one small team or FFA game type, to accelerate the hype train to warp speed
Thats what I want

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
(Seriously, who gives a crap what arbitrary genre label retailers file it under? That game is what it is.
Agreed. Genres especially mean less nowadays. Both Call of Duty and Bioshock are both classified as FPS, but those games are barely similar.
They are barely similar because one is an FPS, the other and FPS with RPG elements. Different genres.
Guilds. This is a shared world experience, so let's see it
This isn't an MMO, right? It's a big new thing, a shared world experience thing. People pop in and pop out of your area leading to interesting interactions and events throughout the worlds. So, let's start really hearing about it. Not a description. I'd absolutely love to know what will be at a player's fingertips if they are to head up a guild or join one.
Now, I'm not expecting full on functionality explanations or even videos detailing it, but it'd be great if they got into some detail about it. How many members can constitute a guild? Will guilds be utilized in a competitive multiplayer environment, or within raids whilst battling beasts of untold ferocity and might? Would guilds be used to effectively explore certain areas and uncover certain gems, even if no threat looms? Teamwork aspects, a common goal in success and failure in uncovering ancient secrets? Not every moment needs action and excitement to be filled with wonder and awe as you and your closest friends and allies comb throughout the ancient wonders trying to re-obtain that which was lost.
So yeah. Guilds. I'd love some more details.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
(Seriously, who gives a crap what arbitrary genre label retailers file it under? That game is what it is.
Agreed. Genres especially mean less nowadays. Both Call of Duty and Bioshock are both classified as FPS, but those games are barely similar.
They are barely similar because one is an FPS, the other and FPS with RPG elements. Different genres.
Sorry if it seemed like this, mine was not to argue against your point, it was agreeing that retail and industry genre labels suck. Another example is putting Mass Effect and Chrono Trigger in the same RPG genre. Usually the genres they choose are completely unhelpful in making a purchasing decision.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Gameplay, and some indication of the communication system between you and randoms. I'd like to know how they plan to discourage griefing.

Guilds. This is a shared world experience, so let's see it
So yeah. Guilds. I'd love some more details.
Definitely. In the buildup to the release of EVE Online we knew player corporations were going to be a driving force in the world so by the time the game arrived, numerous corporations were set and ready to go. Alliances had been formed and broken all in the pre-release phase. If guilds are going to be a thing in Destiny, I'd love to hear about it.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
(Seriously, who gives a crap what arbitrary genre label retailers file it under? That game is what it is.
Agreed. Genres especially mean less nowadays. Both Call of Duty and Bioshock are both classified as FPS, but those games are barely similar.
They are barely similar because one is an FPS, the other and FPS with RPG elements. Different genres.
Sorry if it seemed like this, mine was not to argue against your point, it was agreeing that retail and industry genre labels suck. Another example is putting Mass Effect and Chrono Trigger in the same RPG genre. Usually the genres they choose are completely unhelpful in making a purchasing decision.
Chrono Trigger: JRPG
Mass Effect: RPG With shooting elements
Those labels are completely descriptive and I know what I'd be doing when playing those games. But you do have a good point, in that most people probably do not know how to assign genre properly, or worse, try to shy away from genre recognition altogether.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Chrono Trigger: JRPG
Mass Effect: RPG With shooting elementsThose labels are completely descriptive and I know what I'd be doing when playing those games. But you do have a good point, in that most people probably do not know how to assign genre properly, or worse, try to shy away from genre recognition altogether.
Exactly, usually retailers and media do not get specific enough to be helpful, and until I see a game's gameplay I can't even classify it. Though I would say much worse culprit is the music industry. My favorite band, The Shins, have been labeled in iTunes/Amazon as: indie, alternative, rock, pop, folk, blues, and "other"
A dialogue.
We know it's an FPS, but we don't know exactly what kind of weapons we'll get to use (or, in the case of the Warlock, if we'll even need to use weapons). We know it features stats, but we don't know how they affect gameplay. We know it's ‘shared-world’ but we don't know how it'll work when you want to play it solo.
The game remains an inscrutable mass of unanswered questions, which despite much speculation and questioning remain unaddressed. What I'm hoping for from E3 (and thereafter) more than anything else is a meaningful dialogue with the player community. Bungie's trademark secrecy and enigma won't cut it if they're intending to create something with the longevity, scale and community participation of a high-end MMO like World of Warcraft. They're going to have to engage with the community as adults (rather than through the obtuse mailsack).
If you want a good example of what I'm talking about, look no further than Ghostcrawler's ‘dev watercooler’ blog posts. Or the numerous ‘blue posts’ on the WoW forums where he and other members of his team discuss gameplay mechanics and the design thinking behind them.
So yeah, what I'm hoping for is a dialogue. After that, everything else is negotiable.

Awesome Sauce
1. Trailer with gameplay/travel/drop in drop out functionality
2. Perhaps a small in engine demo
3. Release timeframe (fall 2013, spring 2014)

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
I want to see some Warlock spells in action, and some Spider Tanks in motion.
But most of all I'm hoping that we get some more info on how the Bungie Mobile App comes into play. I'm really hoping its not just another avenue for notifications and actually has an impact on the gameplay experience.
I don't expect we'll see too much about it, but here's hoping.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Yeah sadly I predict we won't see much about the app until a month or two before release. I hope I'm wrong, but that's what I'm expecting. I really want the app to be something revolutionary and not just a "click to assist!" app.
What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
A comprehensive walkthrough of what the game is all about, so I know if I should be hyped like crazy or not. And to know if I should prepare for the second death of my social life.
My favorite activities in games are: exploration, character progression, strategy, twitch gameplay and cooperation. The game that has been closest to fill all of those lately has been Dungeon Defenders, it lacks exploration though. Destiny might fill all but strategy (!= tactics) so it might become a real time sink for me... maybe.
And, I can dream, announcement of a PC version with support for the Oculus Rift, Razer Hydra and Virtuix Omni! Haaaha, right.
What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
A comprehensive walkthrough of what the game is all about, so I know if I should be hyped like crazy or not. And to know if I should prepare for the second death of my social life.
Agreed, on this point. When Bungie speaks, I listen, but I'm at the point of needing to know whether this will be something I can participate in. To this point I imagine Destiny as Borderlands, more or less (with Bungie sauce of course). I'm having a hard time understanding how its different.
My hope is...scale. I love the adventure and exploration of games like Skyrim, loved the progression of Dragon Age Origins and even Fable. Even though I can enjoy shorter, more linear, and oftentimes brilliant campaigns such as BioShock Infinite, my true love is in RPGs.
So I'm interested, but am I buy a new XBox interested? TBD.
What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
I very much want a PC version with XBox/GFW controller support.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
I very much want a PC version with XBox/GFW controller support.
If it's on PC I hope they release it for Steam. Although it would be cool if they made it so GFW players could play with XBox 360/720 players (though probably not fair in competitive multiplayer)

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
in decreasing order of likelihood (as I see it):
- in-engine stuff
- announcement of, if not a date, a timeframe for release
- news that how well I do will be determined by how well I play and not anything else (at the very least in competitive multiplayer)
- announcement of a PC version, even if I won't have one that can play it for some time
- news of a beta or demo
- finding out that it won't require any kind of paid account (like XBL Gold)
- news that the whole time-travel thing was a joke or a misunderstanding and the "escaping souls" thing was just them being a little colorful and poetic
- finding out the whole sci-fantasy thing is more of an inspiration and a feel and thematic element than a description of what the game or the universe is like

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
- news that the whole time-travel thing was a joke or a misunderstanding and the "escaping souls" thing was just them being a little colorful and poetic
- finding out the whole sci-fantasy thing is more of an inspiration and a feel and thematic element than a description of what the game or the universe is like
Really? Even though it opens up for a lot of cheap plot patches, I quite like that they are going for this particular very neglected branch of sci-fi.

Oh yeah!?
[*]news that the whole time-travel thing was a joke or a misunderstanding and the "escaping souls" thing was just them being a little colorful and poetic
[*]finding out the whole sci-fantasy thing is more of an inspiration and a feel and thematic element than a description of what the game or the universe is like
Well, I want Destiny at E3 to be nothing but a 10-minute video of a guardian skipping, arms swinging happily, through a bright green landscape with rainbows, magically summoning unicorns and flowers, while this plays.
(Before you argue, I'd like to remind you that you did pick Stockpile on Countdown.)
Oh yeah!?
I thought you were leading up to this playing in the background, but we can go with your choice if you really really want. :P

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Strangely enough at this point I can't be sure which of the two games you are describing with what.
And I think that's the point.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
- news that the whole time-travel thing was a joke or a misunderstanding and the "escaping souls" thing was just them being a little colorful and poetic
- finding out the whole sci-fantasy thing is more of an inspiration and a feel and thematic element than a description of what the game or the universe is like
Really? Even though it opens up for a lot of cheap plot patches, I quite like that they are going for this particular very neglected branch of sci-fi.
Which thing there is neglected?

Oh yeah!?
[*]news that the whole time-travel thing was a joke or a misunderstanding and the "escaping souls" thing was just them being a little colorful and poetic
[*]finding out the whole sci-fantasy thing is more of an inspiration and a feel and thematic element than a description of what the game or the universe is like
Well, I want Destiny at E3 to be nothing but a 10-minute video of a guardian skipping, arms swinging happily, through a bright green landscape with rainbows, magically summoning unicorns and flowers, while this plays.(Before you argue, I'd like to remind you that you did pick Stockpile on Countdown.)
I like Stockpile and Countdown is a good map, and nobody said I shouldn't do it, unlike with the previous choice

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Has been a long time since I've heard of a sci-fantasy game.

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
Has been a long time since I've heard of a sci-fantasy game.
oh, game-wise... maybe
I think most of the newer Final Fantasy games have strong elements of both, and pretty much every Star Wars game should qualify...
aha, here were go! by my count that's 40 games or series with significant science-fantasy or "mythic sci-fi"-ish elements, not including what I mentioned above... not sure how I could forget Doom or Pokémon...
I still just want to know if there's magic or not, and if so how powerful it can be

What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?
As an avid fan of Pokemon, I wouldn't call it mythic sci-fi. I wouldn't call it sci-fi, really. I suppose it has some fantastic technology, but it's just that: fantastic.