Vidoc thoughts (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 17:45 (3288 days ago)
edited by electricpirate, Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 17:53

For those that haven't seen it

The Dreadnaught is the most interesting thing to me. It sounds like it's a space you explore like a patrol, but it has some combination of environmental puzzles and stuff to look for, as you hunt for Orryx. That's the kind of stuff missing from Patrol right now.

It reminds of something like Watcher's Keep, which was a super dungeon in Baldur's Gate 2. Hopefully they've dug deep into getting these puzzles to trip.

The other thing that interests me is the drop in minions. Destiny can do with some life and randomness in the wild. The wolf patrols have been a nice touch, and have been especially interesting as a low level character. Running into situations where you are way out of your depth, hanging out of danger, then grabbing some gear is actually pretty fun.

It also sounds like they want to make strikes more mechanically interesting. Strikes are kind of boring because they need to work well with matchmade groups, so they play pretty fast and lose. I"ll be interested to see how they bridge this divide. I"m still hoping for some more procedural mechanics in strikes though. I'm just waiting for the Spelunky strike ;).

The stuff about the narrative is still meh. I mean, it'd be nice if they get away from the "VOMIT UP SCIFI GOBBLYGOOK" writing, but the fundamental design of the storytelling is still kind of deeply flawed IMO. The attempts to fix that sound more like bailing water from the Titanic.

Mayhem slayer sounds fun. Too bad Schooly D isn't around to get pissed off by it ;).

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