
No argument there! (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 03:21 (3297 days ago) @ iconicbanana

For instance, as I'm checking, they have 4,663 active users as of the moment of writing. They have 180k registered. That's more than twice the number of total posts on this forum.

Lol, but the Bungie.org community is the best community :-)

I'm sure they look here too, they just didn't mention us because everybody else watching would be saying "Who the hell is DBO?"

I'd be interested to know where they draw the line, if there is one. What's too small, what's too chaotic, what's too one-sided, to be worth reading? For example 4chan has had a board for some time now dedicated to, well, dedicated discussions of video games. It has one active thread per game, along with recurring threads for things like speedrunning and emulation, and the recurring Destiny thread tends to get hundreds of posts a day, but then the posts tend to be shorter than a typical forum post, and the signal-to-noise ratio in a given thread can be anywhere from on par with DBO to having forum drama and memes take up 80% of the thread.

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