Fantastic post (Destiny)

by yakaman, Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 15:57 (3280 days ago) @ Earendil

From where I stand, it's not a single thing that is pricking the community's nerve. It's not the cross promotions. It's not the Collector's edition. It's not the additional playstation exclusives. It's the combination of it all within the context of where we are coming from.

You nailed so much. I feel like the whole community is sore or worn out with these kinds of issues. It's not that Bungie has done any one super-controversial thing; it's that there's been many somewhat-controversial things. And what each of us finds controversial depends on the subject matter, who we are, our expectations, etc.

Reasonable or not, I think many of us had the impression there would be more content in Destiny and in The Dark Below. House of Wolves was generally seen better, but for my own part I don't know if that's because it met initial expectations, or simply that my expectations were much lower. Note: See first paragraph again.

Absolutely. I also think that much of the Destiny Community's anxiety comes from the "not much there at launch" sentiment, fairly or not. Awesome observation.

The best course of action (as it always seems to be) is to simply wait and see. Why is that so damn hard to do?


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