
Totally (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 17:56 (3383 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

Destiny is to the Halo franchise what The Hangover 2 was to the Hangover. They both made a crapload of money based on the quality and popularity of the previous work, but neither really delivered on the promise. They aren't objectively bad, per se, but they were disappointing enough that overall feeling towards the product has been tempered.

At this point, are you as likely to believe the hype about TTK as you believed the hype about Destiny before it launched? Destiny has done something awful to my faith in game developers and I've sworn off preorders altogether as a result (and I used to be a game developer!). That is a long term failure for the company, even if the short term sales of the game were amazing.

Furthermore, I believe that any future success in the Destiny business model is going to be a major detriment to the overall business model of gaming as a whole. I do not want to support this sort of business practice. It feels predatory and abusive to me. Ever hear the expression "you can shear a sheep many times but skin it only once?" I made another post about that just above this thread. I'm sad.

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