On Loadouts (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 11:49 (3567 days ago) @ Funkmon

How exactly do they work? I assume you select a loadout then apply it to a character? Can you also have an overall Loadout (I like to keep my VoG guns on my Warlock, CE on my Hunter and IB on my Titan when I'm not doing endgame activities - keeps things from getting samey), or would I have to have 3 separate Loadouts and apply them

What happens to the guns currently on your character when you apply a Loadout? Do they get moved into the vault? As a followup - can you set a Vault loadout? There are some guns that "live" in my Vault, but would be included in some Loadouts (my LDR, my Gjallarhorn, my Swarm). Course, if non-loadout guns get put into the Vault that solves my problem.

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