
Inconsistency/incompetence of Gaming Media.....

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Monday, May 20, 2013, 15:28 (4215 days ago) @ Claude Errera

And yet, the choice they made for how to release that data has resulted in a stream (not a huge stream, but a stream) of new content stretched out over three months. Had they allowed video recording of the presentation, and/or allowed fans who weren't going to let the smallest tidbit go by, we'd have been finished with it by the end of February, and by now we'd be bored out of our minds.

I don't know about you but I'd be bored Destiny-wise if I hadn't ignored most of the articles until yesterday.

Which is to say, I guess, that your assumption that the actual conference was botched (or arranged with incompetence) might be... flawed.

He didn't say the conference was put together incompetently, he said the gaming media were incompetent, something you've come close to saying yourself before (IIRC).
To the post you were responding to, interestingly enough, the King of Errors Erreras here was actually at that event... actually that reminds me, weren't you going to do a write-up of that?

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