
Question about Journey, Icebreaker nerf opinion. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, July 30, 2015, 09:51 (3503 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

By the time it was over, you bawled like a baby. I watched a Let's Play of it, and I have no idea what the story is. There are white dudes who bring you to life and that's pretty much it. What am I missing in the story?

As for your icebreaker nerf comments, I disagree. A major purpose of the gun is to stay way back and kill dudes. Bungie knows this. They know some people can only take encounters this way, so they have kept that functionality. The ammo regen nerf is for guys like us with 86 special ammo synths, an LDR of the right element, a bunch of scout rifles on tap, the best exotics, etc. It makes US disinclined to turn the encounter on easy mode. We can take it in better ways.

I love ammo for my snipers. All my guns have ammo perks. As a result, I haven't used Icebreaker in months. VoC can cheese the templar and oracles, Fatebringer and Nechrochasm can get you through hard mode Abyss pretty easy, the Archon Priest fight is more fun up close anyway, etc. I've moved on because I don't need that gun. It's slow and boring to me.

However, a few people I play with still use that gun for the stay back from encounters purpose when they don't need to. They have good guns. They aren't level 24. They just can't be bothered to do the encounter the other way, despite their way being slow. Bungie is still letting them do that with the IB nerf; they can still play how they want. They are still safe, they won't be killed, and they still get free ammo. They'll just find it annoying. I think this is a great way for Bungie to nudge us into playing how they want without removing encounter options entirely, like the hobgoblin templar platforms.

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