
What you do with your friends is your thing (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Thursday, July 30, 2015, 13:02 (3503 days ago) @ TheeChaos

Sorry to hear you didnt enjoy our stream!! Just joking of course.

Yes this guy is unpleasant. That is disrespectful. I will say things like that to friends in a joking manner, once we are on that level of friendship. I CANNOT stand people who start of like this. I have played with friends of friends and they say things like that thinking its funny. I stopped watching this guys streams.

Along with what everyone else was saying, someone said its like listening to the radio. I agree. Some people really enjoy it, for others its just there. Take what you can from it.

I just make a point to have friends that don't say crap like that to anyone.

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