Popular Twitch streamer very insulting to deeJ. Video (Destiny)

by DreadPirateWes, Thursday, July 30, 2015, 14:22 (3503 days ago) @ Stuntmutt

I find it more akin to radio than TV.
I recently started watching Gothalion's stream and became quite hooked.
For me, it's not about the gameplay - it's about the personality of the player.
Gothalion's stream is like a radio phone in DJ.
Destiny is the 'playlist' if you like, and Gothalion responds directly to comments in chat a bit like a radio host taking calls.
Now whether you like his personality or not comes down to personal taste (just as it does with radio station DJs).
There are all sorts of 'flavours' - Triple Wreck is great if you like ultra competitive gameplay. Broskian is more laid back and chilled. Broman and Gothalion tend to be generally excited about everything. The Planet Destiny guys do some good streams too.
Poke around and you might just find a stream showing a style of gameplay you like with a streamer who has an interesting point of view on the topics raised in chat.

I watched quite a bit when HoW and Crota launched. IMO, the big names are big because they aren't terrible. There must not be a lot of money in streaming because no talented team/person seems to be doing it -- at least with destiny.

Side note: Now that it's easy to watch Twitch replays, there is almost no need to watch them live (exception is if streamer is tackling new challenge that hasn't been done before). There's really no reason to watch a bad streamer play IB, just watch an old one of TripleWreck, Goth, or whoever.

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