I can't figure out how this is going to be a patrol space. (Destiny)

by Mad_Stylus, Thursday, July 30, 2015, 23:38 (3503 days ago) @ CyberKN

I imagine we'll have a mission or two hitting the Dreadnoughts AA or something.

Either that, or Oryx wants us here. I mean, if he wants to kill us, it'd probably be easier to do it with an army that can swarm and outmanuever one target. At least then he can find and confirm the kill a lot easier that way. Might also be a ritual/pride deal.

It'd be cool to have a harrowing landing sequence our first visit. I doubt it'll be cleanup until we complete the raid, which I don't think will be a part of the given story - Like PoE, VoG or CE before it. Because only so few people have the opportunity to raid anyways.

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