
Console game streaming on Win10 is REAL. (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Sunday, August 02, 2015, 04:56 (3500 days ago)

I just had the most amazing gaming experience that I've had since I played Halo with Bluerunner for the first time in 2001.

I downloaded and installed my Win10 upgrade this evening. It was a 2.5G update and took about 30 min on 20M download cable internet connection. After the download, it took about an hour to run the setup, which is almost entirely automatic. There are only 2, maybe 3 questions for setup. When it was done my laptop was almost identical to before I started (had Win7). The only visual diff was the new taskbar. Everything worked, except my touchpad setting were off. I reset them no problem, but after I restarted later, they reverted back to default. I really like the new OS so far.

Now to the good part, but first my tech setup.

1 Xbone wired to Netgear b/g router. 1 HP g series plain ass laptop (this thing was 350 bones purchased 2-3 years ago) with no aftermarket upgrades connected WIRELESSLY to network. 1 Xbone wireless controller. 1 full micro usb cable (i say full because this one has power and data, some only power). 1 xbone stereo adapter ($25). 1 set of cheap ass maxwell earbuds w mic from Walmart (10$) No tv connected to my XBone. 1 awesome gaming experience PRICELESS.

I got to Xbox support to see how all this works. Its simple. Start Xbox app on Win10 (its already installed by default). Start Xbone, and if you haven't changed the defaults, streaming is already setup.

Look familiar.


Down on the bottom left you'll see connect (mine says connected). It'll search for the bone and if your options are setup for streaming on the console, it'll show the console name.


Once you are connect it looks like this


Now to play a game you click stream and suddenly on your mutha flippin cheap ass laptop screen is your xbone home screen. To connect a controller simply hook the usb cable to the controller, no downloading driver. The file is already there. It doesn't even run a setup. You can have the controller connected before you stream too.

First experience was flawless. There are three connection qualities. Mine defaulted to medium but I didn't even know it because it played as smooth as on the xbone. There was a hint of delay in the controls, and I mean like less than you can even really feel. I may even be imagining it. I loaded up MCC and chose the Pillar of Autumn. It played without a hitch, burp, or bump. Sound through my cheap headset is great, controller vibrates. Easily 50-60fps. I am truly amazed at what MS has accomplished here.

Now the glitches. I'm having an issue exiting the stream and coming back to it. It loads the audio and dims the screen out, but no video even though I can here the controller moving through the tiles. I'm having to restart my laptop to reconnect. Also when it loads the first time, the home screen video is garbled, but if I move the controller to left or right and page over, it will bring up the xbone home screen clearly. The first bug will probably be fixed with a patch, the second one may be due to my older router.

I'm in love :) I'll report back with more info, but right now I gotta play some more Halo.

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