
Console game streaming on Win10 is REAL. Update. (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Sunday, August 02, 2015, 14:30 (3500 days ago) @ red robber

Okay, so not as glorious the 2nd and 3rd try, but still pretty good. I ran Halo on Halo CE. I first started with the streaming set to High Quality while wireless, and it wasn't working. Very pixelated with lots of stuttering. Bumped down to Medium and it was much better, rarely stuttered, but the picture became very grainy during fast moving sequences (which is often). Moved to low and had no stutter issues, but video quality really suffers. It looks alot more like old school 1st gen Xbox quality on a small SD tv, but just a tad bit blurry. It's very playable though and the controls still react crisply. I don't feel like I'm ever missing shots or jumps because of a lag issue, only because I suck.

I also ran a little Destiny on the medium quality setting. Went to the tower and then patrolled venus. Video quality is meh. Colors don't seem to be as good and I can really tell the frame rate difference. It also feels like the controls are slower, but not delayed. It is as if my sensitivity setting was bumped down to 1 or 2. I went through a few loading zones with no issues and interacted normally with random guardians. Not perfect, but still much better than what I was expecting.

I am still having the same issue with dropping the stream and then coming back to dimmed out screen with audio but no video. So far the only way to remedy this is to restart the laptop. Also if I unplug the headphones during play, I can't restablish audio on the buds, but I can get the audio through my speakers.

All in all this is a pretty great feature that works very well for launch day availability. I would highly recommend it if you need the mobility. You are probably not going to be doing any hardcore PvP stuff, but just simple campaign gaming is easily available and just a fun as a normal setup. If you are on a budget, its a wonderful option that is easy to use with little to no additional cost to you, assuming you have most of the basic items from my initial review.

Red Robber Rating 7.5/10*

*I expect this to improve as updates/patches increase the quality of the service.

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