
Some answers for Last Gen users looking to upgrade (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Wednesday, August 05, 2015, 12:43 (3496 days ago) @ FyreWulff
edited by iconicbanana, Wednesday, August 05, 2015, 12:49

Do we know if you can get both the last gen and current gen version of Taken King like you can the existing DLC, or are we stuck choosing a single platform?

As someone who recently bit the bullet and bought up from 360 to xbone, this was my experience with the folks at Microsoft:

1. Even though I "purchased" Vanilla Destiny and both expansions for "free", I still had to buy the Digital Collector's edition to actually play on my xbone. This is because there currently is no purchasing option for just the Vanilla on the xbox store; the only purchasing option to actually acquire Vanilla and play now is the digital collector's edition.

2. Without the Vanilla, you can't actually play the expansions, even though you can still get them for "free" on the xbox store. And since you have to purchase them with the Digital Collector's edition anyway, they aren't really "free".

3. If you're looking to buy up expressly to play Destiny, I'd recommend waiting. There's probably some sort of bundle coming, and if not, purchasing the cheapest available collector's edition will get you caught up with all of the current Destiny editions, which are only now available for purchase in a collector's edition. You just can't buy Vanilla anymore :/

Bottom-line: Expect to pay at least $60 on The Taken King and early versions of Destiny for next-gen if you purchase up to a next gen from a last gen.

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