
It took support a while to get the idea across. (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, August 05, 2015, 13:49 (3496 days ago) @ iconicbanana

From the beginning I had both platforms. And if you bought everything digital on the 360 before 1/15/15, then you should have been able to download everything for free on the Xbone whenever you upgraded. See this article.

Review your purchase history and seek a refund if you qualify.

I went through the steps on the xbox store to secure free purchase of all destiny versions for xbone when I still just had 360. There is no vanilla Destiny on xbox store now, though. It's only in bundles. You can't actually just get Vanilla Destiny without purchasing some version of The Taken King.

It's not that it isn't free; it's just that there's no way to access the free version.

Here's the question: did you buy all digital content (game and expansions) on the 360 before 1/15/15? If you did you own everything on both platforms, and you don't have to pay twice. That was the deal. If you did that and you felt forced to buy something again to get access, you should contact tech support.

I did. But the version of Vanilla you purchase for free isn't available in the store anymore. I spoke at length with microsoft support about this, and it took them a while to get it across, because I simply could not understand how something I purchased was no longer available on the store.

I'm trying to come up with a good metaphor for it. It's like I got a free ticket to a concert (Vanilla Destiny for xbox one via upgrade) on July 7th, but I didn't buy an airplane ticket (an xbox one) until July 10th, and by the time I got to the concert it had already happened. Kinda make sense? Like they just don't sell Vanilla Destiny on its own anymore, and there's no download option for it as a result.

Support was not all that helpful in trying to explain it, but I've contacted them a couple times and this is the best explanation I can make for what they've told me. Anyone else have a recent story about upgrading?

Got it. I'd also forgotten this part, which I just found in a polygon article.

"In order to redeem your new-generation copies, you'll need to sign in on a PS4 or Xbox One, as the case may be, no later than Jan. 15, 2015. Once you log in, you'll have to go to the PlayStation Store or Xbox Games Store, respectively, then add the (free) content in question to your cart and "buy" it. "

I remember this now, and I think a workaround was to log in to Xbox.com before 1/15/15 to claim it. At least I think that worked.

Sorry to keep questioning you.

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