I find WEP quite useful (Destiny)

by Earendil, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 21:13 (3488 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Our neighbor though, was using WEP encryption, and after about 15 minutes of packet capture, I was able to crack the password with KisMac (it was her phone number).

The moral is, try scanning for networks encrypted with WEP that have a better signal :-p

See, if I use an open wireless network to lure strangers into letting me packet sniff their traffic, I find the average traffic to be quite dull. However, if you put a WEP password on it then suddenly the only traffic you get is above average, and I feel more justified @#$%ing with them.

Sadly, I don't actually do this, but now that the thought has occurred to me I might try.

I used to use WEP security as a legal cop out for being responsible for what was done with my internet connection. *gasp* it-isn't-all-that-secure-I-didn't-know-that-your-honor. Now I stay away from anything shady on the internet and use WPA2 :)

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