The Return of the Wifi (Destiny)

by marmot 1333 @, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 14:30 (3488 days ago) @ marmot 1333

I got it all worked out. It was mostly a matter of a bad signal. Compounding the problem was software conflicts between the different drivers that came with my USB Wifi Dongle.

The confusing thing is that it worked fine for about 4-5 days before giving me any trouble, and even when I had trouble the ping times would be wildly inconsistent. Perhaps upstairs neighbors moved the router at some point?

My solution involved attaching my USB wifi Dongle to a USB extension cord and then getting that Dongle as close to the ceiling as possible. I also elevated the PS4 as high as possible and moved any potential signal-blocking object (in this case a speaker.)

Pinging my local router went from ~75% drop rate with ~1100+ ms response to 0% drop rate with 3ms response. That'll do.

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