
As a devout Xbox fan... (Gaming)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, August 14, 2015, 05:15 (3201 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I love the controller. It's amazing how big a difference it makes while playing a game like The Last of Us. The better sticks alone make the game a joy to control.

I do appreciate the PS4 controller. Miles better than the old DualShock. I still just can't quite get used to the stick placement, though. Offset sticks are so much better, I think.

The Xbox One controller is the best controller ever made, I think, just as the 360 controller was before it. I know a lot of folks have complaints about the One controller, but I absolutely love it. If fits my hand just perfectly, and I roll my fingers up from the triggers and hit the bumpers, so I never have problems with them like some seem to. Can't wait to get my hands on the new Elite controller.

The PS4 controller is good enough that I can use it comfortably and not feel like I'm playing poorly because of it (which was the case with the PS3 controller).

I hated, hated, hated the PS3 controller. Had to get addons and stuff to make it tolerable (even bought multiple "pro" controllers that had the 360's layout with offset thumbsticks), but The Last of Us was worth it.

I have finally used the Xbox One's controller enough to not be so bothered by the bumpers anymore (except on occasion, but more often than not I can get them to work). Now if only the Guide button had a better and more reliable design...

The funny thing is that the PS4 controller is near-perfection. A far cry from the days of the DS3. My only qualm is that I'd like to at least see if I would enjoy an offset-thumbstick version, but I'm perfectly fine with the way they are right now.

I think it has a serious advantage over the Xbox One with the touchpad. It is at least six more buttons in certain games, and I think it was a brilliant bit of foresight to give devs such a freedom. It's funny, because back when they announced it, I groaned and felt like it was just a gimmick (and was annoyed at the dedicated Share button). But boy, was I wrong.

I've actually been playing Warframe on Xbox as well, and have found myself swiping at the non-existent touchpad (directional swiping gave you seamless access to all of your abilities, and was completely programmable). On the Xbox, you have to do button combos, or use the D-pad to manually set an active power, which can be easy to forget, and puts you at a huge disadvantage during combat while you try to cycle to and then activate the ability that you wanted. It has a seriously negative effect on the game. Especially since in order to accommodate the lack of touchpad, many of the controls were remapped so that the face buttons could be kept available for the aforementioned button combos (And sacrificing the right bumper to initiate them).

And with Destiny, I could bring up the Ghost with either thumb, and I almost always used my right thumb for it. Felt really weird to switch to my left thumb on Xbox (the View button), so even in little ways the difference has an effect.

I used to consider the 360 controller to be the best, and feel that the Xbone controller is mostly a worthy successor, but dat DS4, mayne...

I also forgot to touch up on that (programmable) Share button. Something great about just hitting it, clicking Square to save video (1-15 minutes; programmable), and/or Triangle for a screenshot, then hopping right back into the action with hardly a missed beat.

Want to save longer than 30 seconds on the Xbox? Pressing Guide, looking for DVR (even pinned apps shift around), waiting for it to load, picking how long I want to save a clip (only up to five minutes), then waiting for it to save before I can close it again makes me cry.
Yeah, people say it's a little more streamlined if I spend an extra $100+ to get the Kinect... But really?
Really hope the OS update fixes this, though considering a lot of the function was shoehorned in after the failure of mandatory Kinect, I'm not too hopeful. But at least the loading should be faster. And it's funny how a single button on the controller could have alleviated this (might that $150 controller have this function? Who knows!). The Streaming/Shareplay is also tied to the Share button, so you can be streaming about fifteen seconds after you decide to do it, as opposed to Hitting Guide, searching for the app, and going through a series of menus to get to it.
The power of a single button.

Controllers are weird, but I'm glad that our systems of choice make us happier than they did last generation.

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