
Moments of Triumph Complete! (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, August 16, 2015, 15:54 (3485 days ago) @ breitzen

I just did the same thing last night. First time I've played Destiny in a month, and my two friends who still play were willing to go with me. I'm pleased to say that I held my own in the entire PoE and my sniping skills seem not to have suffered from the time off.

I also now fully agree with the opinion that there should be checkpoints in that event, at least before Skolas.

Also, my whole fireteam got elder ciphers, which is awesome. Design note: I was warned beforehand to have an empty bounty slot (two, actually, though I only needed one in the end). Are people with full bounty slots just screwed if the Elder Cipher would have otherwise dropped? Or does it show up in the mail?

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