I took pictures, but suck at life.. (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 14:24 (3483 days ago) @ CyberKN

Key things I took pictures of but cant seem to get to paste into here? (I am a noob)

Light Level: Score is an average of the Attack and Defense values across all of your currently equipped gear. A higher Light score improves both your damage output and your defense.

This is kind of what I expected. WOO

Bounties. Looks like you can hold 16 bounties now. (Shows 12/16 on the right side)

Faction Allegiances: You can only hold one at a time, and can only change once a week.

EXOTIC BLUEPRINTS?! : Just shows a screen shot but it looks like you can probably get any gun out of it? Like a vault but just for exotics so you dont have to hold them in your vault? Also appears to be year 1 and Year 2 variants. you can see Bad juju with TTK emblem and Hawkmoon. MonteCarlo, list goes on.

So yes Cyber, definitely HYPEEEE

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