
The List (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 14:52 (3483 days ago) @ marmot 1333

  • Nameplate collections

Yay! I'm glad that we're not just getting shader collections.

  • armsday

What the heck is armsday? Is this a day you can borrow a weapon from the gunsmith or somesuch?

  • artifact slot


  • exotic blueprints

If this is what I think it is then I say hooray! Now all my exotics won't fill up my vault. I can dump tons of purples in it and never touch them too! ;-)

  • collections & vaults

Vaults, plural? Wha?

  • legendary marks

This is good.

  • infusion

Is this the infusion of light buff you buy from the speaker or something else?

  • shader collections

See Nameplate collections.

  • level 25 character boost
  • and more

Hmm, maybe I can level an xbox character afterall...

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