Yeah, but the 15 day waiting period is outrageous! (Destiny)
Plus the background checks... man, such a hassle. Would be great if you could just get them from a vending machine, or the internet.
Complete thread:
- Year 2 Livestream Thread -
2015-08-19, 15:52
- This is the stream thread, please stop making new threads.
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:06
- I need Tyson's shirt.
- Leviathan, 2015-08-19, 16:06
- It's not on the store, I looked ;_;
- iconicbanana, 2015-08-19, 16:08
- I believe it was for the Pentathlon... - Leviathan, 2015-08-19, 16:12
- It's not on the store, I looked ;_;
- It's good to see Tyson again!
- breitzen, 2015-08-19, 16:07
- Yes, we love your chicken!
- BlackstarBSP, 2015-08-19, 17:01
- Yes, we love your chicken!
- didnt see eris in her usual location...
- CougRon, 2015-08-19, 16:10
- Moved to at the bottom of the stairs to the Vanguard.
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:11
- Moved to at the bottom of the stairs to the Vanguard.
- Light level will affect your damage taken and damage done - Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:13
- Refreshed bounties - breitzen, 2015-08-19, 16:17
- Spark of Light brings character to level 25 WITH gear - Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:19
- You know what would be cool? Beards. Come on Bungie.
- INSANEdrive, 2015-08-19, 16:21
- +1
- unoudid, 2015-08-19, 16:22
- +1000
- BeardFade, 2015-08-20, 01:13
- Exo Beard FTW!
- dogcow, 2015-08-20, 12:54
- +1
- Change displayed weapon in tower with Y/Triangle
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:21
- Speaker will sell Ghost shells/class items with perks
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:23
- Frontier Shell? -
2015-08-19, 17:18
- My thoughts as well. - INSANEdrive, 2015-08-19, 17:24
- Here ya go Beorn. -
2015-08-19, 21:28
- Yay! - DiscipleN2k, 2015-08-19, 23:27
- Thanks :) - Beorn, 2015-08-20, 01:54
- Defense 3 (it'll noticeably sink your Light level)
- Chappy, 2015-08-20, 03:42
- Defense 3 (it'll noticeably sink your Light level) - dogcow, 2015-08-20, 13:00
- Frontier Shell? -
2015-08-19, 17:18
- Very unique perks -
2015-08-19, 16:30
- Did anyone see the perks on the machine gun?
- Funkmon, 2015-08-19, 16:31
- Yeah, stuff we've seen.
- Chewbaccawakka, 2015-08-19, 16:32
- Any Field Scout or Surplus? :3
- Funkmon, 2015-08-19, 16:34
- Don't think so. :P -
2015-08-19, 16:36
- Eww. Pledging my allegiance to DO again.
- Funkmon, 2015-08-19, 16:37
- Yeah, isn't everyone?
- BlackstarBSP, 2015-08-19, 17:02
- FWC for Life. -
2015-08-19, 17:03
- Did they ever mention ranks for the quests?
- unoudid, 2015-08-19, 17:10
- FWC for Life. - Cody Miller, 2015-08-19, 17:20
- Did they ever mention ranks for the quests?
- FWC for Life. -
2015-08-19, 17:03
- Yeah, isn't everyone?
- Eww. Pledging my allegiance to DO again.
- Don't think so. :P -
2015-08-19, 16:36
- Any Field Scout or Surplus? :3
- Yeah, stuff we've seen.
- Did anyone see the perks on the machine gun?
- "Reforge Ready" perk was missing from the New Monarchy LMG
- CyberKN, 2015-08-19, 16:31
- or at least, the Dual hammer icon was.
- CyberKN, 2015-08-19, 16:32
- "Reforge Ready" perk was missing from the New Monarchy LMG - Chewbaccawakka, 2015-08-19, 16:33
- You can definitely reforge *something* -
2015-08-19, 18:01
- You can definitely reforge *something* - CyberKN, 2015-08-19, 18:08
- or at least, the Dual hammer icon was.
- Faction quests after hitting certain ranks
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:33
- Nightfall level rewards from completing all weekly bounties -
2015-08-19, 16:34
- Shaxx bounties? Those were weekly.
- Chewbaccawakka, 2015-08-19, 16:36
- Yeah I fixed it :)
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:37
- Yeah I fixed it :)
- Nightfall level rewards from completing all weekly bounties -
Cody Miller,
2015-08-19, 17:22
- Nightfall level rewards from completing all weekly bounties - TheeChaos, 2015-08-19, 18:19
- Shaxx bounties? Those were weekly.
- Crucible perks on ghosts have glimmer boosts
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:35
- Unlimited earning of Legendary Marks every week. 200 wallet.
- Chewbaccawakka, 2015-08-19, 16:37
- Earn marks from dismantling legendaries
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:39
- Earn marks from dismantling legendaries
- Commendations for extra marks on 9/15
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:38
- Deej is at Marks cap, tries sharding for more Marks. /palm
- Korny, 2015-08-19, 16:39
- Confirmed: Deej is filthy casual
- marmot 1333, 2015-08-19, 17:10
- Confirmed: Deej is filthy casual
- Confirmed: Legion of Boom new Tower Faction. XP
- Chewbaccawakka, 2015-08-19, 16:40
- Missed something, or missing the joke
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:42
- They were joking about the new weapon color scheme. - Chewbaccawakka, 2015-08-19, 16:45
- Missed something, or missing the joke
- Running gag about vault space is amusing.
- Funkmon, 2015-08-19, 16:41
- or annoying when your job pulls you away while waiting 4 it.
- unoudid, 2015-08-19, 16:54
- or annoying when your job pulls you away while waiting 4 it.
- Some year 1 exotics will have improved year 2 versions - Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:44
- Year 2 Exotics have different INT/DIS/STR Rolls - CyberKN, 2015-08-19, 16:45
- Odd. Year 2 Gun looks different. Not so for Armor?
- INSANEdrive, 2015-08-19, 16:47
- Year 2 Suros had old Thunderlord-esque Perk
- CyberKN, 2015-08-19, 16:49
- you fools! -
2015-08-20, 01:59
- Agreed. Suros 2.0 is uuuuuuugly.
- someotherguy, 2015-08-20, 08:21
- Agreed. Suros 2.0 is prettttttty. (FTFY)
- SteelGaribaldi, 2015-08-20, 11:01
- Agreed. Suros 2.0 is pretty ugly. (FTFY)
- Kermit, 2015-08-20, 14:00
- N7 livery is best livery (FTFEveryone)
- ZackDark, 2015-08-20, 14:27
- N7 livery is best livery (FTFEveryone)
- Agreed. Suros 2.0 is pretty ugly. (FTFY)
- Agreed. Suros 2.0 is prettttttty. (FTFY)
- Agreed. Suros 2.0 is uuuuuuugly.
- you fools! -
2015-08-20, 01:59
- Cryptarch sells Legendary engrams for 60 Marks. -
2015-08-19, 16:50
- class item only. 135? for weapons
- unoudid, 2015-08-19, 16:54
- class item only. 135? for weapons
- Does Cryptarch Rep even matter?
- INSANEdrive, 2015-08-19, 16:51
- Absolutely love the Banshee stuff. - Chewbaccawakka, 2015-08-19, 16:52
- Can order guns that Gunsmith has available each week -
2015-08-19, 16:53
- Yeah, but the 15 day waiting period is outrageous! -
2015-08-19, 17:04
- Yeah, but the 15 day waiting period is outrageous! - bluerunner, 2015-08-19, 19:15
- Yeah, but the 15 day waiting period is outrageous! -
2015-08-19, 17:04
- Infuse more powerful guns to make favorite guns better
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:55
- Infuse more powerful guns to make favorite guns better -
2015-08-19, 17:44
- I bet . . . - cheapLEY, 2015-08-20, 00:02
- Infuse more powerful guns to make favorite guns better -
2015-08-19, 17:44
- Vault space has been doubled. Boom.
- CyberKN, 2015-08-19, 16:56
- More Vault Space - Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:57
- Chewbaccawakka, 2015-08-19, 16:57
- INSANEdrive, 2015-08-19, 16:58
- SWORD. -
2015-08-19, 17:26
- dogcow, 2015-08-19, 17:28
- SWORD?! - CyberKN, 2015-08-19, 17:42
- Dreams do come true.
- Leviathan, 2015-08-19, 17:45
- INSANEdrive, 2015-08-19, 19:21
- SWORD. -
2015-08-19, 17:26
- SWORD! - Cozmo23, 2015-08-19, 23:22
- New dance moves
- Xenos, 2015-08-19, 16:58
- They have actually made them worse; good job Bungie!
- BlackstarBSP, 2015-08-19, 17:06
- Don't hate me because I'm beautiful -
2015-08-19, 17:52
- Still waiting. - iconicbanana, 2015-08-19, 17:55
- They have actually made them worse; good job Bungie! -
2015-08-19, 19:20
- They looked like a teenage raver hopped up on E and Redbull™
- unoudid, 2015-08-19, 19:23
- Which reminds me. - unoudid, 2015-08-19, 19:29
- They looked like a teenage raver hopped up on E and Redbull™
- Don't hate me because I'm beautiful -
2015-08-19, 17:52
- They have actually made them worse; good job Bungie!
- I loved the apartment!
- Funkmon, 2015-08-19, 16:58
- The Sock Dispenser was sorta weird, though.
- CyberKN, 2015-08-19, 16:58
- Why was it in the kitchen?
- Funkmon, 2015-08-19, 16:59
- Looks like a giant iPad stuck to the wall.
- BlackstarBSP, 2015-08-19, 17:07
- Why was it in the kitchen?
- The Sock Dispenser was sorta weird, though.
- Why not go all the way? -
Cody Miller,
2015-08-19, 17:05
- Why not go all the way? - Leviathan, 2015-08-19, 17:09
- Why not go all the way? -
2015-08-19, 17:10
- Why not go all the way? -
Cody Miller,
2015-08-19, 17:16
- Why not go all the way? - unoudid, 2015-08-19, 17:17
- Why not go all the way? -
Cody Miller,
2015-08-19, 17:16
- Is it just me or... -
2015-08-19, 17:18
- Energy definitely seemed low.
- CyberKN, 2015-08-19, 17:22
- Tyson seemed like he was having fun.
- Funkmon, 2015-08-19, 17:35
- Is it just me or... -
2015-08-19, 17:51
- Is it just me or... - cheapLEY, 2015-08-19, 23:59
- Just you? -
2015-08-20, 02:05
- +1
- Kermit, 2015-08-20, 09:05
- +1
- Energy definitely seemed low.
- Two immediate questions about the exotic blueprints -
2015-08-19, 17:24
- Two immediate questions about the exotic blueprints -
2015-08-19, 17:34
- Two immediate questions about the exotic blueprints - Chappy, 2015-08-19, 17:51
- I recently maxxed every single Exotic -
2015-08-19, 18:16
- I recently maxxed every single Exotic -
2015-08-19, 18:48
- I recently maxxed every single Exotic -
2015-08-19, 19:26
- I recently maxxed every single Exotic - Cody Miller, 2015-08-20, 16:34
- I recently maxxed every single Exotic -
2015-08-19, 19:26
- I recently maxxed every single Exotic -
2015-08-19, 18:48
- Two immediate questions about the exotic blueprints -
2015-08-19, 17:34
- Super important gear question that's not been answered... -
2015-08-19, 18:22
- NO CAPES!!!!
- kidtsunami, 2015-08-19, 20:26
- NO CAPES!!!!
- They meant to cover Artifacts, will cover them next week - Xenos, 2015-08-19, 23:47
- This is the stream thread, please stop making new threads.