
Two immediate questions about the exotic blueprints (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 17:24 (3469 days ago) @ Xenos

(1) If I have a specific roll for my year one Light Beyond Nemesis (Strength 130) and I shard it, will the copy I can buy in the Exotic Blueprint console retain the 130 roll? If later on I receive a Light Beyond Nemesis drop with a higher Strength 135 roll, will my blueprint update to the new value?

I'm assuming the answer to that one is "yes", but it'd be nice to be sure.

(2) If I've leveled that Light Beyond Nemesis to fill out all perks, I will have spent 75 armor parts, an exotic shard, and a great deal of experience and glimmer (time). If I shard that helmet and then later decide to purchase it from the Exotic Blueprint console for 125 Legendary marks, will I receive a leveled copy with all perks unlocked, or will it require the same (considerable) effort and expense to level again before it becomes fully useful?

Given Bungie's general attitude toward player time requirements, I'm guessing that the answer to that is "no" - we'd have to level it again. Which makes sharding exotic items that I've already leveled to free up vault space unwise - IMHO it would cost too much of my time and effort to rebuild what I'd already done, I'll just have to keep wasting vault space storing all my exotics.

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