
Acquiring TTK Exotics and Legacy Exotics (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 20:09 (3481 days ago) @ CyberKN

Since there will be some mechanism for the XBox players to acquire the formally PS-exclusive year one gear, I'm assuming there will be a way. If Bungie holds true to form, the drop tables for legacy activities won't be changed, so guardians could grind the VoG for vanilla exotics, Crota for the vanilla+TDB exotics, and PoE for vanilla+TDB+HoW exotics. If they're removed from the nightfall table, it would definitely be harder to obtain them. Xur wasn't mentioned today; he might be limited to the 26 new exotic weapons and ?? new exotic armors, or his potential stock might encompass the entire exotic library.

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