
Court of Oryx (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, August 20, 2015, 21:45 (3480 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I've never heard the term "Court of Oryx" before. Where did this come from?


It’s got its own bounties, it’s got new activities," he said revealing it may have its own new alternative to House of Wolves' Prison of Elders arena mode. He revealed a new mode called Court of Oryx, which by our estimation sounds similar in thinking. He further touted Dreadnaught's diverse offerings saying, "It’s got things like the Court of Oryx, which is a player-instigated public event that pits you against different combinations of different bosses in different scenarios. We’re putting a lot more control in the hands of the players to where your Destiny adventure unfolds, and the Dreadnaught is great evidence of a lot of the new things that the team is doing to change the way you play the game, and to change the way it rewards you.”

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