
I find it strange (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Friday, August 21, 2015, 16:41 (3479 days ago) @ Kermit

To place free speech on so high a pedestal and to defend it like losing free speech would be robbing you of some power and then in the same breath say words shouldn't have power, they shouldn't affect you.

These words hold no power of me, but I've seen their power through history. I certainly am not entertained by, nor find funny, words that have been used to demonize someone like Alan Turing to the point of his chemical castration and death. So I won't force you or anyone to stop using a word, but I'm not going to participate in this community without pointing out that I find it an awful and ugly joke.

If not being able to make jokes like that, without people complaining, makes a forum about Destiny, a PC hell hole, then I'm really f'ing confused what this forum is actually about. I came to talk Destiny, not read bigoted jokes.

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