
Good point, reminds me of an article (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Friday, August 21, 2015, 17:09 (3479 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Seinfeld tends to be much more nuanced and his jokes tend to get at everyday assumptions that we take for granted. I've never heard his jokes go in such a simplistic manner. In fact, some of the funniest comics I've seen go straight for the topics that are going to be offensive. It isn't about avoiding offence, it is about demanding more from the joke-makers.

Right. Everybody says you can't make rape jokes. But Louie CK made a very funny one. See why his is okay:

"I'm told there's no reason to ever rape a woman. No reason? Really? What if I want to have sex with her and she won't let me?"

Why is that funny? Because it doesn't blame or trivialize anybody who has been raped. It points out the absurdity of the rapist's thought process. All is fair game, if you're actually funny and not demeaning.

If you get beyond the ALL CAPS, Film Crit Hulk wrote extensively about being more straight forward satire and cutting out innuendo.

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