
Something (forgot to) happen on the way to russia (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Friday, August 21, 2015, 18:51 (3479 days ago) @ Funkmon

Oh, I know that was his overall point. But he said:

The closest we get to that now? well the only thing i can put a finger on is the radar dish at skywatch.

The closest thing we get to that now is actually still that, as it does happen. I've just seen a few people in other places mention that specific event and are under the impression that it only happened in the E3 demo for some reason.

I guess I was just being ass by only nitpicking that specific thing and not replying to the overall point, but I only have a few minutes on my lunch break here. Everything I would have said has been covered by you and Claude, so I don't have anything to add now.

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