
But I really WANT an [Insert Gun Here]! (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 21:43 (3474 days ago) @ CyberKN

A Casual could save up for that, especially now with Weekly Heroic Strike matchmaking.

Cody's speaking about an edge case, but it really would be heartbreaking to be that edge case.

And, it'd result in them not buying any other Exotics, because they're saving up for the one they want, which could quite likely hamper their ability to do higher level Weeklies, and thus stick them in a trap that, when they finally get the item they were after, and find out they don't like it, they haven't actually escaped from?

A few things:

1. You don't need any exotics to do strikes. Heck, you don't need any exotics to do raids.

2. If they're able to commit THAT fully to obtaining the exotic, you would think that they might have a good reason for doing so. That reason is usually built up by the advice and testimony of others who have that exotic.

You know what's Heartbreaking? Trying and trying to get a specific exotic to drop for 12 months, while everyone else around you gets it, sometimes multiple copies. That's heartbreaking.

You hit me right in the feels with that right there man.

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