
What if we had Aim Assist options? (Destiny)

by BeardFade ⌂, Portland, OR, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 05:44 (3469 days ago)

Tonight, while aiming down sights and putting fire into one guardian, taking down his shields nearing the point of death, another opposing guardian crossed his path. My crosshairs followed the moving target, dragging my reticule away causing me to miss those precious last few shots. The two of them proceed to murder me as my gun reloads.

This has happened to me thousands of times. I'm certain it's happened to you. Tonight, though, was the first time i realized that I think Bungie could give the player an option here, and a little more control over the outcome of this situation.

The reason your reticule sticks to a target is to make the game playable for those of us without the magical thumbs of a player like TripleWreck. It's a way for Bungie to make the game enjoyable for people who aren't exactly on the mark. You're still rewarded for being the better player, but give the underdog a chance. I get that.

But there is an algorithm at play that Bungie coded one way and I think they could have given the player an option. Bungie has coded it that when two targets cross, follow the one that's moving away. Your reticule will try and stick with them. But, it could probably be programmed to instead stick with the target with the least movement. Why not let the player have this choice in the settings? Aim Assist follows? or Aim Assist Stays?

I would love for Aim Assist to stay where I'm aiming. I'd like to finish one target move to the next, rather than divide my fire among two people and not kill either.

What do you think? Should/could this be an option? What would you choose?

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