
Class/Faction Alignments? (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 17:38 (3468 days ago)

Up until this point, I've been gaining Dead Orbit reputation on all three characters (in search of shaders). With the release of The Taken King, I'm considering having each character declare allegiance to a different faction. Eventually they'll each gain a set of faction gear, and I'll get package weapons from all three factions that can be shared. The question in my mind is this - which faction is best aligned with the skills of each character class?

Dead Orbit: Discipline/Strength
Future War Cult: Intellect/Discipline
New Monarchy: Intellect/Strength

Is anyone else thinking the same thing, and what alignments do you think fit? At the moment I'm leaning:
Dead Orbit on my warlock (must have grenades aplenty and I'll take life steal/flame shield over a faster super)
Future War Cult on my Titan (also must have grenades, and I'll take bubbles and fists over a faster crappy melee)
New Monarchy on my Hunter (must have invisibility and gunslinger, and I'll take more invisibility over faster grenades)

Or am I nuts, and I should ignore the factions and put a hodgepodge of faction gear on every character?

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