Gonna have to disagree with you there... (Destiny)

by Dan de Board @, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 19:15 (3468 days ago) @ BeardFade

Strength should actually be one of the main stats that Hunters spec into IMO, at least for PVP.

Since Gunslinger Hunters have Gunfighter, they really don't need to spec into Intellect unless they want really fast Golden Guns. I've found that Gunslingers are all about their tools, having access to lots of grenades and throwing knives by specing into Disc/Strength helps with that. Double throwing knife (triple with those new gloves in TTK) and stacked in Strength with Scavenger means throwing knives for days.

With no skill equivalent to Gunfighter for Bladedancers, Bladedancers should spec into Intellect and Strength. Fast Twitch and high Strength means that you have a negligible cooldown on your Blink Strike, giving a Hunter Warlock-range melee attacks all the time.

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