
The RNG loot system can suck it. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 23:39 (3468 days ago) @ Cody Miller

... Isn't RNG kind of the point though? If the loot system didn't toss in a lot of stuff that you didn't want, you'd end up getting all the things you want too quickly and would lose your motivation to keep logging in and playing, and the longer you play the more invested you are and the less likely you are to quit.

It's not a cancerous feature from Bungie's perspective, it's a core element of how to keep you playing.

But here's the thing: What exactly is wrong with quitting once you've mastered the game? That's not a failing of the game…

The problem with quitting a game with social cooperative play at its core is that not everybody quits at the same time. You need people who started before you or advanced faster than you to still be playing when you want to play; those who start after you and advance more slowly than you need you around later to play with them.

From the developer's viewpoint, the episodic nature of the content pipeline doesn't work if it can't keep a high enough percentage of active players interested enough to come back for the next round of DLC. I'd guess that the earlier you finish and quit, the less likely you are to sign back on when new content drops.

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